Chapter 15

New Garden Earth


Weaving the New

Shoreline Revisited

Embracing the New

A New Beginning

Follow Your Joy

A New Direction

The Once and Future

New Garden Earth

Now is the Time

pathway amid red tulips and flowering trees


March 12, 2017

When our inherent connection simply is, expression flows naturally.

There is no need for protective masks or defined role playing.

Spontaneity prevails and we are children again, matured into new youthfulness with fresh perspective.

With our fresh perspective a new reality stretches before us, unlimited in scope.

Perhaps it is all a remembering of the long ago and faraway place before constraint and forgetfulness occurred as we absorbed the teaching of limitation and specific role playing.

But now, the constraints and forgetfulness have melted for we have rediscovered that which is innate — limitless connection to Source energy, and inherent connection with one another.

What brought us here, to this new place of expression?

Sometimes we have had glimmerings of insights which have then become fogged over by the stuff of ordinary reality.

That fog, however, is now a dim memory for we have emerged into the sunlight of the expansive landscape to which our hearts have called us.

Time and again we have met, as the larger aspects of ourselves inspired convergence.

Now we see and experience that there was always an overview that would eventually bring us back together — within ourselves, and with one another.  We simply needed to align with that broader view.

What is it we choose to express and collaboratively create within this heretofore unseen landscape?

It has been a long walk into this unlimited now — and new opportunity.  Perhaps sitting in the sunshine, and enjoying the clear view, will inspire the next steps.

Weaving the New

April 10, 2017

Early Spring is an excellent time for new beginnings.

Last week I decided to dust off my loom and remember how to weave.

As I began planning my project I was surprised to discover that it has been more than four and a half years since I most recently sat down at my loom — ample time to forget many details.

Somewhat daunted, I began with my first step — getting reacquainted with my loom.  "And what is this for exactly?"  "And what is this part called?"  "And when and where do I use this?"  Those were some of the child-like questions I asked myself as I began to piece together the picture of how to proceed.

So far, so good.  I seem to be remembering what I need to know.  The how to's are revealing themselves, coming into clearer focus.

My weaving is part of a far more encompassing plan, a metaphor for the larger new beginnings I'm nurturing at this time.

That is why I'm feeling inspired to apply this weaving metaphor in the creation of something reach-out-and-touch-tangible.

I’m weaving my intentions into this project, as one might repeat a mantra or an affirmation.

Every strand of yarn and every row of weaving represents the affirmation.  That which I'm visualizing goes way beyond the completion of my weaving project as handwoven cotton fabric.

The creative energy which I'm intensely focusing, throughout my weaving process, is the new — the new way of being on beautiful Earth.  And, specifically, I’m affirming my new way of being within the New Garden Earth — new home, new collaboration, new plantings, new harvests.

All of this Spring activity corresponds with that which Nature herself presents at this time — new vitality, new beginnings, new opportunity.

Mother Nature's year has once again circled to the time of new blossoming.  And so have we.

Weaving the new during these auspicious days of early Spring is an activity of celebration.

Celebration of every step takes where we choose to go, as we together weave the new in Harmony and Delight.

Shoreline Revisited

May 31, 2017

Nature's arms extend to her children who appreciate her.  Along this shoreline trail there are several areas where one can walk directly to the shore via stone steps or stairs.  As I visit each area, I feel welcomed.

Stepping stones lead to the shoreline opposite the nearby small island where there is an osprey nest in a tall pine.  "Is the nest occupied?" I wonder.  Within a split second the male osprey flies to the nest, and briefly hovers above it.  The female lifts slightly to receive the fish her mate has brought.  As she disappears back into the nest, he sounds his osprey squawk — a distraction — and circles near the shoreline.

That was the answer to my question.  And the timing was perfect.  As often as I've seen osprey nests, over a number of years, this was the first time I have seen such a personal osprey family event.  I continued my walk, with thanks for this unusual gift.

Some things are timeless.  This shoreline trail seems to whisper, "Remember that I am here in all seasons.  And very little changes along this trail within your concepts of time.  Come here to be nourished.  I will not disappoint you."

The onshore breeze is brisk as I enter the trail leading to the shoreline.  Earlier in the day, there were showers.  Now there is a welcome change before the rain will likely resume.

Soon I arrive at the Bay trail, reunited with the lovely area which inspired my short video titled "Quiet Time".

I now realize that, as was true then — nearly three years ago — I'm insisting on quiet time along the shoreline amid a day filled with outer world errands.

The difference between outer busyness and quiet time in Nature invariably provides a stark contrast.

There are the variations in the tides, the weather and the seasons.  Today the sky is mostly cloudy.  But overall, this rocky shoreline area is largely unchanging.

Having walked here in all seasons, over decades, I know that the beauty is consistent and the expansive view is always inspiring.

The quiet time of my shoreline walk echoes crystal clear for me, and beckons me toward the next revisit — whenever that is.

Embracing the New

June 22, 2017

True youthfulness has little to do with chronology.  It has much more to do with attitude.

We do not know the gifts which are wrapped inside the new until we open, and are open to, that which is presented.

Our movements — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually — are all an energy dance that creates our life.  When new movement is presented to us, stirring us out of that which has been formerly comfortable, our energy dance — and thus our life — opens onto a new vista.  Here, we can see beyond the familiar, and begin to create/discover new terrain.

The new terrain may well be the New Garden Earth and all that it implies.

The implication is:  Renewal, radiant and unprecedented Well-being, Harmony, Balance, Peace and the satisfying Expression of one’s innate gifts which can Joyfully benefit the Earth and all her creatures.

Embracing the new is like the promise of the dawn, felt in every moment.

The new displays itself in many forms.  One of them is the opportunity to make choices based on fresh potentials presenting themselves.

In the Old Earth we were taught that maturing takes place incrementally within a specific number of decades.  Though this concept is still prevalent, its influence is diminishing.

Our ability to embrace the new is one of the yardsticks by which our youthfulness is measured.

A New Beginning

July 25, 2017

A change in perspective can inspire a new beginning.

Desired clarity may have been simmering within us and nudging us for some time.

As though the sun has burned off the mist that was obscuring the view, suddenly that  which was hidden becomes clear and well defined in new light.

New light is new energy and we are stirred into new enjoyment — and perhaps new activity.

Years ago I began, quite intentionally, to look at Earth from a wider perspective beyond the immediate cultural surroundings.  I learned to travel within a landscape that was both inner and outer — multiple layers, and multiple timelines, all present at the same time.  This is a developed skill which comes naturally with practice.

Eventually I saw the seeds of the New Earth — the New Garden Earth — clearly sprouting from the old.

For years I practiced balancing among those worlds — the world of that which appears, and the world of that which is possible.

It has been said that longing is the most powerful force in the universe.

Once I longed to discover a wider view.  Then I began longing to nurture the New Garden Earth by nurturing specific projects.  Recently I began longing to simply be.

A few days ago, face to face with clarity, I was subtly jolted into a new perspective.  Words cannot describe.

Expressing Happiness and Joy now comes first for me.  Everything else will sprout naturally from this “place”.

This is a new beginning.  I can only say, ”Thank you!”

Follow Your Joy

August 30, 2017

At an event at which he was speaking, Prem Rawat — sometimes called the Ambassador of Peace — was once asked, “What is the one thing that stands in the way of our awareness and enlightenment?”

He replied, “That is the single most important question I have ever been asked.”  He then thought for a moment and said, “Concepts.”  He elaborated on this.

On another occasion, years ago, he said, "You need a place to dance, and it's called your heart: where the gratitude will play out, where the contentment will be realized.”

When we can leave our concepts at the gateway to the inner landscape where our heart knowingness dwells, Joy will surface into our outer world experience.

Our energy dance — and we ourselves — will be transformed.  We will follow our Joy into new ways of expressing as we, awakened, discover who-we-truly-are.

The dance of energy is constantly ongoing.  We, in physical form, are participants in that dance.

Inherent within us is the possibility to let Joy lead the way as we take each step.

The outer world, however, most often has other plans for us.

From early childhood we are taught to revere existing structures, and what our minds can accomplish within those structures.  These teachings include a wide range of concepts.

Our innate knowingness — the key to who-we-are — is rarely acknowledged.  In our diligent focus on accommodating ourselves, we forget our own inner wisdom.  It becomes difficult to see clearly through the filter of the concepts we have accepted.

What is missing from this formula is how to live our lives in balance.

Our energy dance, and thus our self expression, is confined to the parameters we have adopted.  We are mind-centered even as our hearts whisper to us, “There is something more.”  Rare is the person who, amid “shoulds” and the responsibilities he/she has assumed, pauses and says, “There is something missing here.  What is it and where is it?  How do I find it?”

A New Direction

September 30, 2017

To those who knew us “way back when”, which may have been only a few weeks ago, we appear new.

How is this possible?  It is all energy.  When we release — or release ourselves from — that which has been holding us back from expressing more fully who-we-truly-are, we walk into a new reality.

Our new direction is one of wholeness, on all levels.  Arriving in this place of wholeness within ourselves is the gift we came to Earth to receive.

Here we discover, also, the gifts we came to Earth to share.

Are you feeling nudged in a new direction?

Though we humans are typically resistant to change, many are feeling encouraged to open to new opportunity at this time.  It is as though the compass heading for one’s life has received a course correction.  A welcome course correction.

The change may have been quietly desired, yet seemed impossible.  Until now.

There is a significant balancing process taking place on Earth — balance between heart and mind.  It is happening both personally and culturally.  Peace, within oneself or globally, is only possible when feelings are acknowledged and heart-direction — inner direction — is honored.  Though ongoing for a while, this balancing — and the impetus for balance — is becoming more and more apparent.

Partly it is propelled forward by those who are discovering the pleasure and joy of expressing more of who-they-truly-are.  That which has been hidden within oneself/ourselves, as though seeds beneath the soil, now wants to emerge into the light of day.   

Rather than continuing to follow an inherited script, those who are feeling nudged are choosing to realize their dreams — their own dreams, that which they have quietly held within themselves.

It is a step by step process into the New Earth way of being, free from the constraints and limiting concepts of the old.  With each step one takes, the next becomes clear.  While the old may offer a sense of familiar security, it begins to pale in comparison with that which beckons.

Within this process there is new enthusiasm, an intangible so obviously gratifying that it becomes contagious.

The Once and Future

October 31, 2017

The annual harvest had been completed.  It was now the time of no-time when, for several days, there was a celebration of the seasonal transition from the outer productivity of the warmer months to the quiet of the approaching winter.

While many played, in costumery, there was a smaller group sitting in a circle around a fire.  Wrapped in warm garments, they were all quietly watching the fire.  In the dream, my attention was drawn to this circle.

As I saw faces sculpted in the fire glow, I also noticed that there were some standing stones a short distance away.  Above, the vast sky was clear and star-filled.

I saw that there were oak trees nearby also, and the Moon was becoming visible through the oak branches.  Everyone continued watching the fire.  Someone began singing in Gaelic, sort of chanting, as though calling in the spirits.  It was hauntingly beautiful.  In this time of no-time, the doorway between the worlds was open.  The wisdom of the ancestors was accessible.

In my dream I wondered, “What is happening under this night sky?”

One year ago, I noted an unusual dream.  In this dream, I journeyed into another time and place.  The time was mid-Autumn, centuries ago.  The place was somewhere in the British Isles, an agrarian society in the countryside.

The annual harvest had been completed.  It was now the time of no-time when, for several days, there was a celebration of the seasonal transition from the outer productivity of the warmer months to the quiet of the approaching winter.

While many played, in costumery, there was a smaller group sitting in a circle around a fire.  Wrapped in warm garments, they were all quietly watching the fire.  In the dream, my attention was drawn to this circle.

One year ago, I noted an unusual dream.  In this dream, I journeyed into another time and place.  The time was mid-Autumn, centuries ago.  The place was somewhere in the British Isles, an agrarian society in the countryside.

“Communion, as well as communication, in the way that it happened then when living close to the Earth in this place.  It was a well structured society in which everyone knew their roles.  This Autumn no-time was an interlude from the work within the entire cycle of the seasons.  Some enjoyed revelry.  Some quietly communed. Those who communed held the energy of the earthplane circle in alignment with the heavens, the ancestors.”

As Nature’s year has once again circled to the Autumn no-time, I’ve re-read my dream-notes which are significantly more extensive than what is being shared here.

This dreamscape reminds me that some aspects of the New Earth were seeded a long time ago.

There were — once upon a time — peaceful interludes when humans were in tune with the rhythms of the Earth and the cycle of Nature’s year.  They were also collaborative with one another.  Their survival depended upon it.

They had no high technology, and none of the creature comforts that we now enjoy.  They did have, however, a sense of personal connection with a spirit presence which provided wisdom and direction.

They revered the Earth and knew that Earth sustained them.  In the New Earth, this “memory” is coming to the surface — as we notice what has been lost and must be regained.

One of the essentials of today is to harmonize the positives of technology with a consciousness of connection — connection with the Earth, connection with Source energy and connection with one another.

The New Earth, the New Garden Earth, is emerging in direct proportion to the realization of this Harmony.

New Garden Earth

November 27, 2017

Especially the songs, and the drumming and singing at sunrise, specifically expressed the possibility of powerful change.

This energy message has now come back to me, returned like an incoming tide — a steady flow well integrated and inspiring further positive change.

The magic in this circular flow is that I now experience it as spiraling.  That spiraling takes one solidly into a new “place”.  Some call it the fifth dimension (5D).  Others call it the New Earth.  I, and We — attributing my Collaborators — prefer to call it the New Garden Earth.

Everything I’ve been encouraged to publish has been part of the same compass heading, pointing in the same direction.  The direction has always been the tangible rooting of the New Earth, the New Garden Earth.

When the Welcome page of this current version of the website was designed, we were celebrating the arrival of the New Garden Earth.  We were, in fact — more specifically — acknowledging the possibility and beckoning it to arrive.

Everything which emerges into the outer begins on the inner levels — as an imagined or inspired possibility, or a dream which one can feel.  Eventually these imaginations, inspirations, dreams become solidly reach-out-and-touch.

I am both happy and grateful that I was called to be one of dreamers expressing, and thus assisting to bring forth a long held collective dream — the New Earth — into the daytime.

As the MiniBlogs wind down to #100, and completion, there is a clear emerging of the solidly tangible New Garden Earth.  Rather than writing of possibility — and pointing out the steady compass heading — I will be dancing within the Joyful arrival.

Five and half years ago, as May began, the first blog entry was posted here.  After weekly blogs were published for one year, the MiniBlogs began.  Now the MiniBlogs are at a point of change.

All of this writing, and the website as well, has been part of a flow which began in early June of 1991.  Ongoing without interruption, it is succinctly archived on this website.

Amid this entire flow of inspiration, what stands out for me is the consistency of the themes.  It’s very clear to me that I was being inspired to send forth a cohesive and specific “energy message” in a variety of ways — writing, audio, songs, video, website(s) — and from several vantage points.

Now is the Time

December 21, 2017

Seven years ago, on December 31st, I completed the writing of Golden Pebbles: Celebrating the New Earth.  In Golden Pebbles I told the story behind the “Songs of Intention and Celebration”.

Among those 36 songs, there is one that has continued to echo, mantra-like — “Now is the Time”, written in 2007.

The first verse, of five, is this:

Change is in the wind

a new direction

calling, calling

A new direction has been calling to humanity for quite a while, sometimes felt as though stirrings of a gentle breeze.  At other times it is felt with the power of a swirling tempest.

A wave of awakening is sweeping the Earth.  At first noticed by those who are completely in harmony with it, this is a powerful point of change.  A celebration begins with a renewed sense of connection with Earth.

The second verse:

Balance if you will

dreamtime and daytime

inner, outer

Where there is balance between the inner and the outer, there is no conflict.  We have begun to create, in the outer, from a place of inner direction.  Our dreamtime envisioning is cohesive with our daytime experience.  Otherwise our dreams exist as potential, unrealized.

The third verse:

Vision into form

arriving clearly

pathway open

There is personal vision.  And there is a broadly-scoped vision, a collective dream which was seeded long ago and has survived in myth and legend.  The only compass point for this arrival of vision into form — either personal or collective — is heart direction, and following our Joy.  Inside us is a knowingness about the pathway.  The clearer our vision, the more open the pathway.

The fourth verse:

Celebrating here

in the oasis

green earth, blooming

Having awakened into a broader vision of possibility, we discover anew our inherent connection to Earth.  We celebrate that connection by aligning with Earth rhythms.  We find harmony pervasive in the oasis which the green earth provides.

The fifth verse:

The energy is love

the dance is constant

vibrant, joyful

The sooner we humans align with what is — Source energy, the energy of Love — the more comfortable we will be and the more Joyfully we will dance upon this beautiful planet which is our home.

Each verse is followed by this chorus:

Now is the time

to paint our dreams

and mold the clay

create our world – our way.

Ultimately the only dream which we are painting and molding is Love.  Love has many offshoots.  Some of them are Harmony, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Delight.

The song concludes with these words:

Change is in the wind – a new direction.

Change is in the wind – now is the time.

Now IS the time!